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GOD said “IT’S TIME” to bring to pass what HE prophesied over Harbor of Hope and Lisa Stephens Ministry.


GOD said that we would speak to cancer and it would dry up.  We’ve seen 16 cancers healed by the healing power of GOD.  HE said we would see creative miracles.  Legs would grow back on, eyes would grow back into their sockets and the lame would walk, blind would see and people would be raised up from what seemed impossible.   


This past week Pastor Sheila and I received a call that Pastor Sheila’s sister, Mary was involved in a car accident in Indiana.  Her car was on its side when they found her.  The doctors said she was unresponsive and in a catatonic state.  After two days and all the tests doctors can run in the natural, the doctor told the family they needed to make plans to put her in a nursing home for long term care.  It seemed there was no HOPE.     


But GOD said,I Got You Mary”!!   You see the devil can come but he can’t stay.   We have authority over him.  He must obey what we say, in JESUS Name and he did.  After two days of Mary being in a catatonic state, unable to move or talk, we filled the room with worship and began to speak to her spirit in Jesus Name.   We commanded her to get up and she did.  


We called the nurses into the room and they were speechless by what they were seeing.  Within a couple hours, in the same hospital room where the doctor said she might never wake up and it looked like all HOPE was gone, she was eating fried chicken and laughing with her daughter, her husband and her sister.   The doctors and nurses were baffled at what had happened but had no reason to keep her.  So, they sent her home the very next day.  Now Mary and her family are PRAISING GOD for her complete healing. 


The bible tells us about a woman with an issue of blood.  For 12 long years she had this sickness. She had spent all her time and money going to doctors and they couldn’t do anything to help her. But one day she heard about JESUS the HEALER!!!    She heard about HIS miracle working power and all the miraculous things that were happening right there in her city.


So, she began to pursue this healer…..JESUS…….  She pursued HIM with expectation that if she could just touch the hem of HIS garment that she too would be healed.  And she was right!  She got what she came expecting to get, she got her healing. GOD said, “IT’S TIME"!  It’s time for your healing!   The Healer is in the city!!!!    Will you be like the woman with the issue of blood and PURSUE the healer?  Will you come expecting your miracle?




If you have family members or friends that need healing but don’t live in the Lakeland area, complete the form below and we will include them when we pray on Sunday, May 17 at 10:30am.   If you live in the Lakeland area come and bring a picture of them so we can pray for them and they can be healed.     


There is no distance in prayer!!!!

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