I was diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and for 12 years I woke up to pain. Prophet Lisa prayed for me. The next day I woke up with NO pain and gained full strength in my arms and legs with no sign of MS. I'm so grateful for Lisa Stephens Minsitry and Harbor of Hope for praying the prayer of faith that brought healing to my body.
- Connie

Amazing Testimonies
God is Good - Just Saying
A short few weeks ago we taught on tithing and giving. God had given us a REVELATION about tithing!! He instructed us to REPENT if we had not tithed in the past and to give a $20.00 RESTITUTION offering. Several of our members took the Word and worked the Word and as a result testimonies have been flooding in on financial breakthroughs.
Ashia, a young single mother decided to REPENT and had to borrow $10.00 from each of her sisters to give her $20.00 RESTITUTION and has been paying her tithes ever since. That very week she received a call from someone who owed her money from way back and wanted to pay her. Then she received a car that she didn't have to pay for (unable to be in photos below) and a new job.
Doreatha REPENTED and God made a way for her to get a new car even though her credit score was so low no one would loan her money....BUT GOD!!!!!
Then Pastor Brent and his wife Meredith received a call from a relative in Indiana asking if they wanted a car. Now they have two cars for their growing family.
Pastor Sheila received a call to go to the local dealership and pick out what she wanted to drive. Her insurance and license were paid for a year, also.
Then there's Pastor Amber. She REPENTED for not tithing in the past and God asked her for $75.00 for RESTITUTION. So, she gave it. That same week she went to her mailbox and a relative had sent her $500.00. Then she received a call that someone wanted to bless her with a car. So, she picked it out and is now driving a car with no payments.
You see if God's Word says it He is faithful to fulfill it. All we have to do is believe it and receive it. Believing is an action word. When we believe we put our FAITH in ACTION and become doers of the Word and not just hearers. To GOD BE ALL THE GLORY!!!!!!

We want to hear from you! Fill out the form below and let us know what God is doing in your life!! Your testimony could be the key that unlocks someone else's prison.
I was diagnosed with female cancer and breast cancer. After having Lisa Stephens Ministry pray for me I returned to the Dr. and he gave me a clean bill of health. No cancer was found. PRAISE GOD!!!!! - Peggy
I was addicted to prescription medicine for 10 years and I was diagnosed with Hepatitis-C. I went to church with my sister and the Prophet prayed for me. I was instantly healed of Hepatitis-C and delivered of the drug addiction with no withdraws or cravings for the drug. God is my healer and deliverer and I thank Him for freedom in my life. - Alice

A young man heard me preaching about the information in my book "The Devil Can Come But He Can't Stay" and began to use it in everyday life. He was talking to his neighbor one day. She told him the doctor said she had cancer of the throat and needed treatments and surgery. Keymarius looked at her and said, "The devil can come but he can't stay."
He told her he was going to pray for her and she didnt have to have cancer. He went home and he and his mother prayed for her. A few days later he got the report from his neighbor that the cancer was gone and she just needed a small procedure for something else. GOD GETS ALL THE GLORY!!

I enjoyed the book a lot. I love that Lisa told her story to let people know that GOD loves you and wants a relationship with you no matter your situation. You can tell GOD was involved in the writing of this book. It's only $5 and it's worth much more than that if it touches someone and brings them to CHRIST or makes people realize they are not really saved. Buy the book, support GOD'S Prophet, and change someones soul and life. GOD BLESS!!!