Executive Director
Sheila Coffey is an Apostle who has founded many ministries over the past 20 years. She helped launch Lisa Stephens Ministry, God's Prophet in Lakeland. She is an Author, Musician and Teacher. She has 15 years experience in church administration which includes church sizes of 30 to 20,000 members with staff ranging from 10 to 100 people. She over saw the construction of a 6 million dollar facility/church in Columbus Ohio. Some of her responsibilities included hiring staff, writing job descriptions and training leaders and volunteers. She works closely with pastors to provide them an overall evaluation of their ministry, staff and finances.

Revivalist, Prophet & Founder of Lisa Stephens Ministry
Lisa serves as Revivalist of Brownsville Revival Center and has accepted the calling as Prophet and Seer in the Lakeland, Florida area. She has seen people delivered from corrupt lifestyles and addictions, lives transformed, bondage replaced with joy, and walkers discarded as health was restored. GOD told Lisa HE would give her the authority to speak to cancer cells and they would dry up; she has seen many cancers healed by the power of GOD.
Lisa's greatest joy is being a deliverance minister and working under the true revelation from GOD for each person HE places in front of her