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"A House of Demonstration" 

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Statement of Lisa Stephens Ministry and Brownsville Revival Center


Lisa Stephens Prophetic Ministry, “God’s Prophet in Lakeland,” and Brownsville Revival Center are ministries operating according to John 3:16, and established to proclaim the all–encompassing power of the Love of God. God loves the abuser and the one found in sin with the same intensity He loves the rejected, the abandoned, and the abused


Our ministry is grounded in this perfect Love of God because He spoke to us saying,

“For as much as you love, so shall your anointing be.”


We are confident in Romans 8:31-39, where it states if God be for us, who could be against us? And we are fully persuaded that absolutely nothing can separate us from the love of God.


We are a community of Christ followers who believe Christianity was never meant to be dictated; it was intended to be demonstrated in the fellowship of Christ’s suffering and in the triumph of His resurrection. We believe Christ—though He was crucified, died, and buried—raised Himself from the dead with all power and authority, bringing hell to an open show and rendering death powerless to hold Him.


We believe in purposefully demonstrating the gifts of the Holy Ghost according to Mark 16. We lay hands on the sick and they are healed and filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues.


We are passionate about the clear vision God has given us of a convergence coming from the crack house, the whorehouse, and the poor house straight into the Church house! We have been instructed to demonstrate a true salvation, not an ineffective religious counterfeit. For too long, the Church of Jesus Christ has functioned in a defeated manner: suffering with chronic sickness, entangled by sin, and mentally dominated by a defeated enemy.


How is it the Church finds herself a mere shadow of what God intended?


We believe it is because the Church has lost her true identity and been conned into celebrating her own sense of self–worth. This behavior destroys her purpose, as human efforts are an inadequate substitute for God’s power and, in fact, He compares this conduct to the value and usefulness of filthy rags. For too long the Church has lived by man-made rules, works, and pride exhibited through big “I’s” and little “you’s.” The church has been confused and deceived, believing that God winks at sin because He loves us. This is simply not true.


The fact is God does love us with an everlasting love, and because HE IS LOVE He is never able to not love us.

He cannot stop being Himself. However, the world and many in the Church—not understanding or failing to be convinced God still hates sin and will not violate His Word—permit lifestyles of open willful sin to partake in His Word without correction or consequences. 1 John 2:4 is clear in this matter. God says if you love Me you will keep my commandments. If you say you love Me and remain in sin, the truth is not in you. Additionally, Galatians 6:7 admonishes us to not be deceived as God cannot be mocked. Whatever a man sows, so shall he also reap.


No one is disqualified; there is a place for everyone at Lisa Stephens Ministry and Brownsville Revival Center. God’s love is demonstrated in its fullness toward all. It is now, and will always be, that you can come just as you are. But we know that once you experience God’s great grace and His unending mercy, your life will be changed forever.



We believe the Word of God coming out of the mouth

of a born again believer is the most powerful weapon

on earth and that Jesus is Lord!”




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